Thursday, August 25, 2005

for the PaleMan. user on PJ.

Page 1

Panel 1- Apartment block windows, it’s middle of the night, dim lights. Lots of shadows, half light. Looks like any other cityscape.

Panel 2- Next shot of inside an apartment,living room with books strewn here and there, exercise equipment in one corner, tv in another, pictures on wall. Looks homey. Somewhere in the shot, there could be Paleman’s outfit and weaponry adorning one wall, has to look out of place amongst the homey look.

Panel 3- Switch to the bedroom, big bed in centre of room, a female figure curled up fast asleep in the bed, long hair flowing, she looks peaceful, happy. Next to her Paleman is fitfully sleeping, his face tense frowning, beads of sweat, like he’s having a bad dream.

Panel 4- Close of Paleman’s face, startled, frightened, eyes wide open, sweat pouring off him. (he’s sat up in bed now, startled).

Panel 5- Paleman is now sitting up on side of the bed, head in hand, shoulders hunched as if under a terrible burden.

Page 2

Panel 1- Paleman standing by the window, a breeze blowing, curtains are moving, he’s staring outside, pensive, tense. Behind him, his girlfriend sleeps peacefully.

Panel 2- Flash back sequence. Paleman (he looks tired and bored) is standing over a body, pretty gruesome kill. Next to him, a short, fat man (think similar to the clown in Spawn? But w.o the makeup) in a badly fitting suit who has a clipboard and marking off something off a list. He looks satisfied.

Panel 3- Returns to Paleman in apartment, he’s now pacing the living room, a drink in his hand, he looks agitated.

Panel 4-Flashback sequence. Paleman sitting on a bench watching his girlfriend taking pot shots at a target in a field somewhere, she’s shooting energy beams. He looks thoughtful as if pondering what’s in the future. (like the thinker’s pose)

Panel 5- another flashback sequence where Paleman and the fat guy are in an office (think dusty, messy), fat guy is handing Paleman an envelope filled with cash (have some notes sticking out or Paleman perhaps checking the contents?)

Page 3

Panel 1- Same office. Fat guy is now pointing to a picture of girlfriend and the energy bolts scene, he’s talking with a smirk on his face. Paleman looks furious and shaking his head as if to say no to whatever fat guy is saying.

Panel 2- Flashback again, later in day: Back at the apartment, Paleman is having a nice romantic dinner with girlfriend, shes looking lovingly at him, happy and secure. He’s trying his best but he’s clearly distracted.

Panel 3- Present day. Paleman is dressed in his gear, slipping on tracksuit jacket and pants? He looks really wound up still.

Panel 4- Paleman, all hunched up, hands in pockets, walking along the street, as if trying to outwalk his problems. (would it be possible to have an inset panel to show somehow the fat guy pointing to that picture? As if to show it’s preying on his mind?)

Panel 5- Darkened park, Paleman sitting on the park bench staring out, thinking. Behind him in a corner, you see some youths (scruffy, potential mugger look) eyeing him up..

Panel 6- the youths (5?) have approached Paleman and one of them (the ringleader) has hand out and angrily pointing a knife at him, Paleman just looks annoyed.

Page 4

Panel 1- Paleman is now in the midst of breaking ringleader’s arm, think a speedy leap off park bench, taking arm with him, bending it back. An sound effect be good here. Knife is falling to the ground.

Panel 2- Ringleader now on ground in agony. Two more youths have leapt forward, Paleman is doing a spinning kick to one head.

Panel 3- Youth #2 has teeth kicked out, lying crumpled on ground, Youth #3 is in a headlock and Youth #4 behind Paleman rushing forward and Paleman has a fist raising upwards to meet him (like from a bent elbow, fist upwards).

Panel 4- Paleman is throwing one of their knives at Youth#5 (a through the air shot).

Panel 5- Close up of Youth #5’s face, in total shock and disbelief. Knife in his throat.

Panel 6- Paleman is panting, hands clenched, around him on the ground, carnage, the youths are majorly beaten up. He looks fed up and angry.

Page 5

Panel 1- Paleman is getting away from the park, his clothes splattered in blood. Cellphone ringing (sfx or the rings) in his pocket?

Panel 2- Split panel. Fat Guy is in one panel (he looks like he’s driving). Paleman looks anger, teeth gritting.

Panel 3- Paleman back at the appmnt now, one hand shaking girlfriend awake, other hand pointing to suitcase on ground, as if to get her to pack. Clothes etc are strewn about the room now.

Panel 4- Paleman and girlfriend leaving the building through the back entrance into alleyway with some bags/suitcase/boxes?

Panel 5- paleman and girlfriend getting into an SUV or truck (parked in alleyway), they looked like they are in a hurry. She’s looking bewildered.

Panel 6- you see the SUV driving off in street below but above them, an explosion in one of the apmnt buildings, flames shooting out from windows.


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